Are You Ready To Meet Your Most Favourite Version of Yourself Yet?
Coaching with Rhonda will get you there faster than you ever imagined possible.

Coaching & Hypnosis
is ideal to:
Create physical, emotional, mental health and wellness across all life areas.
Eliminate your inner critic, self doubt, limiting beliefs, and habitual patterns that prevent you from being the best version of your self yet!
Align the conscious and unconscious mind to eliminate the resistance to the change that comes with personal growth and development.
Achieve your personal, and professional goals with ease.
Resolve past trauma once and for all without having to share any details at the risk of re-traumatizing yourself.
Repair limbic system dysfunction.
Gain freedom from physical and emotional pain.
Freedom from anxiety, panic attacks, fears and phobias.
Weight management
Stress management
Create the life, career, business you have always dreamed of!
Spiritual exploration: past life regression, future life progression, journey of your soul between lives, channeling loved ones past and more!
Psychedelic Integration Coaching
Find your health, wellness & happiness
the natural way.
About Me
I’m Rhonda,
My clients have called me many different things over the years but my two favourites are: The Mind Whisperer & The Body, Mind & Soul Architect. I am indeed both of these things.
I’m also …
100% Geek: Nothing excites me more than diving into the latest research around: Neuroscience, Hypnosis, Health & Wellness, Biohacking, Psychology, Human Behaviour and more!
100% A student of life, I have an intense love of learning, with an unrivalled passion for deconstructing and simplifying complex research and creating simple, doable, and fun applications my clients can use to transform their lives, heal trauma, manage stress and become the best versions of themselves yet. Creating the foundations for health and wellness and ensuring they create a happy, committed, passionate, healthy relationship … with themselves.
100% Committed to being inclusive, loving, kind, compassionate.
100% Wizardry & Alchemy: I can’t give away all my secrets .
100% A Perfectly Imperfect Work In Progress
Geek + Nerd + Commitment + Wizardry + Alchemy + Perfectly Imperfect + Work in progress + Intention + Intuition = Rhonda Your Guide to Reconnecting & Reigniting Your Body, Mind & Soul so that you can become the best version of yourself yet!
I spent more then two decades as a Counsellor working with mental health until my life and career got highjacked by a cluster of Auto-Immune Diseases, a genetic syndrome, and all of their nasty comorbidities that left me in severe chronic pain, 90% bedridden and living to die for 6 years and 3 months.
Then my doctor gave up on me, there was nothing more they could do for me …. I was devastated, then I got angry and did what none of my doctors could do for me…I got myself well!
Fast forward to today … I’ve been in remission for 5+ years now and …
I am happy
I am physically, mentally and emotionally healthy
I am whole
I am enough
I am worthy and deserving
I am thriving
all in spite of every doctor telling me my diseases were genetic and incurable, and that level of disability would increase over time as I would continue to deteriorate.
Today I use my education, professional and personal experience, and passions to guide individuals to reconnect and reignite their body, mind and soul to work with them, rather than against them.
I utilize a variety of approaches including but not limited to Hypnosis, CBT, DBT, NLP, Brain/Neural Retraining and more.
I look forward to seeing you on my calendar to see how I can support you on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself yet!
Recent Articles
Deconstructing Health & Wellness: Part Six
The Power of You While all of this may sound overwhelming, at its core there is more hope, health, and wellness than anyone with a chronic illness /pain condition could have imagined possible, and far more than your doctors ever bothered to explain to you....
Deconstructing Health & Wellness: Part Seven
Where to start in reclaiming your hijacked life... Step One: Create awareness by assessing each of the following ... Thoughts/Self Talk: Are your thoughts focused on pain, symptoms, illness/diagnosis? Do your thoughts focus on what is wrong, how nobody understands...
Deconstructing Health & Wellness Part Five
Chronic Illness/Pain Conditions Caused by Chronic StressBeing stuck on a sympathetic dominant state (fight/slight/freeze) puts you at high risk for developing many health challenges, including but not limited to:Autoimmune Diseases such as: Rheumatoid Arthritis,...
Deconstructing Health & Wellness: Part Three
How Does This Create Chronic Illness? All of these have one thing in common. They are all various forms of stress. That stress impacts the brain, mind and body and erodes health and wellness over a period of time. Once we reach the tipping point, we often wake up one...
Deconstructing Health & Wellness: Part Two
Let us look at the process of going from healthy to becoming chronically ill to understand how our internal environment promotes health and illness alike.One of the most common questions people have is why do some people become chronically ill while others do not?...
Deconstructing Health & Wellness: Part Four
The way we think, feel, and behave in response to stressors matters. Every individual reacts to stress in their own way, and that is determined by several factors: Genetics: The genes that are involved in controlling the stress response keep most people on an even...
Deconstructing Health & Wellness Part One
Human beings have the innate ability to self heal. Just watch the extraordinary process your body goes through when you get a simple paper cut. You can observe real time as you watch the body respond immediately to the injury, the pain response, the drawing of...
Owners Manual: Human Being
How you fuel your mind is just as important as how you fuel your body.
You have an internal compass that lets you know when you are on or off course.
User Manual: Troubleshooting Humans
When troubleshooting it’s important to look in the most common places that we human beings have a tendency to be our own worst enemies.
Excited to Announce Psychedelic Integration Coaching
Psychedelic Integration Coaching Psychedelic research is exploding and the results are so astonishing that they have the world sitting up and taking notice. The potential for immediate positive impact on mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health and...
My Practice
Something beneath the surface is holding you back from achieving your full potential – in terms of your physical / emotional /mental / spiritual health and wellness, happiness, fulfillment, joy, success and more. You have always done the best with what you knew, and with the skills and resources you had at the time. I know that and I hope you know that.
You have likely tried everything from goal setting, accountability partners, talk therapy, EMDR, doctors/specialists, medications, supplements, elimination diets, brain retraining programs, watches, gizmos and gadgets, all with lack lustre results.
When you only deal with what’s on the surface, it eventually returns or something else will rise to take its place. It’s a life long game of whack-a-mole and you begin to feel as though you are too broken to ever heal.
When you deal with the root cause, which in my experience is almost never what you think it is, you experience long lasting freedom and it’s only then that you begin to realize just how damaging the impact has been in … every … single … area … of your life (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual health and wellness, your relationships, your education/career/business, your social life, and even on your finances).
Can you imagine what it would be like to …
Know with unwavering certainty the power you possess.
Stand and live confident and proud in your power and truth … always!
Live in peace and harmony from the inside out.
Confidently make decisions that are right for you.
Know from the depth of your soul that you are enough, worthy and deserving. Be the partner, parent, daughter/son, sibling, friend , colleague or entrepreneur you have always wanted to be.
Be connected to your intuition and inner compass, hearing them both clearly guiding you, and supporting you to become the person you were born to be.
Truly know deep within your soul that everything is always working for you.
Be able to fully experience positive emotions of love, gratitude, happiness, joy, excitement, passion, and fulfilment, to name but a few!
Live in physical, mental and emotional health and wellness.
Know that no matter what is next for you that you can and will handle it with ease and grace .
Surround yourself with individuals who love, support, and elevate you.
Keep the wisdom, lessons and knowledge gained from past experiences including trauma and let the rest go allowing you to be shaped, and not defined by the past.
Why wait a minute longer than you have to, to experience this freedom for yourself.
I see clients globally and conduct all sessions via Zoom.
Email: Rhonda@CoachWithRhonda.com